Records and Information Management

Records and Information Management is becoming more challenging. Records are ingested and created every day. Most of them are tagged by end users. Now, instant messaging, Facebook postings, emails must all be tracked. Records Managers are stuck between executives, legal, security, and a whole host of professionals with their own priorities. Companies of all shapes and sizes must address the needs of their business every day. Lean forward thinking companies are continuing to do more with less. When it comes to managing information and records, there is a clear business case justification for outsourcing with an experienced partner.

  1. 1. Cost Savings – Utilizing a Records and Information Management (RIM) provider is cost-effective. Providers must continually invest in their core processes and are able to provide services more efficiently and with less labor, resulting in lower costs for your organization.
  2. 2. Process Excellence and Expertise – Records and Information Management is not a core business for most companies, but it is the core competency for the RIM partner. A provider invests in the resources necessary to achieve a much higher level of expertise resulting in improved quality, efficiency and turnaround time.
  3. 3. Innovation – Working with a provider gives organizations access to Subject Matter Experts such as Certified Records Managers, Information Governance Professionals and Document Imaging Architects. These SME’s are well versed in the latest Records and Information Management process and technology solutions. A relevant partner will stay up-to-date on industry best business practices, have numerous certifications, credentials and innovations to continuously improve processes, value privacy and maintain record integrity

If you are looking for Records and Information Management solutions that support and protect your company, while at the same time allows you to focus your resources on your core business, the answer is and always has been DATASAVERS.

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