DataSavers Document Imaging

Despite advancing further into the digital age, companies still rely on paper. DataSavers can transform your business with our document imaging services and assist in moving toward a paperless environment. Whether full service document scanning and document hosting, or a scan on demand solution, DataSavers will work with your team to create the best solution to your business needs.

Convert thousands of existing documents into a single digital library.

A back file paper conversion gives the benefits of security and ease of access for those who need it. DataSavers can pack, coordinate, transport, and image your documents to provide a custom solution to your Information Management needs. Once imaged, the original materials can be stored in our NARA compliant facility or destroyed through our NAID document shred and destruction process. The final product can be delivered to you, or DataSavers can provide our Content Management solution to host your documents for easy management and access.


  • Access – Control your information on a granular level to provide instant access to only those who should have access
  • Control Costs – Eliminate boxes of records to free up expensive office space or reduce storage costs and reduce records management costs for large volume, high activity records and information management programs

Utilize Scan on Demand for only when you need it

Often, records are retained only to meet compliance, and they are rarely needed. In those cases, a scan on demand or image on demand solution may be the best choice. Scan on demand starts with a retrieval request, just as with a paper copy file, but the delivery is electronic instead of a physical file delivered to your office.


  • Control Costs – Scan only documents that are needed on rare occasions
  • Turn-around time – faster turn-around time and cheaper delivery of records when needed compared to delivery of the physical file to your office

Electronic Content Management

Hosting your Records Program with DataSavers combines the new and the old to create a single seamless document management program. Start with a day forward approach to your records management by streamlining processes for consistent output from all areas of your operation. Then, utilize a scan on demand process for existing paper documents, or, as time and budget permit, incorporate existing paper documents into your new system with back file conversion projects.


  • Best of both worlds – streamline existing document management processes, while utilizing the most beneficial DataSavers options for existing paper records management

Whatever your need, DataSavers document management services will deliver.

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